Portland Wedding Officiant Ordained Minister
Salem area too!
I love short notice weddings-available any day or evening!
Vow Samples:
#1 It is now time to exchange your vows:
Groom-repeat after me: Today I will marry you, my friend, the one I will live with, dream with, and love forever. I take you to be my wife. From this day forward I will cherish you. I will look with
joy down the path of our tomorrows, knowing we will walk it together side by side, hand in hand, heart to heart.
Bride-repeat after me: Today I will marry you, my friend, the one I will live with, dream with, and love forever. I take you to be my husband. From this day forward I will cherish you. I will look
with joy down the path of our tomorrows. knowing we will walk it together side by side, hand in hand, heart to heart.
#2 It is now time to exchange your vows:
Groom-repeat after me: I commit my life to our partnership in marriage. I promise to comfort you, to encourage you in all walks of life. I promise to express my thoughts and emotions to you and to
listen to you in times of joy and in times of sorrow. I promise to always tell you the truth with love. ______ I love you. You are my closest friend. Will you let me share my life and all that I am
with you?
Bride-repeat after me: I commit my life to our partnership in marriage. I promise to comfort you, to encourage you in all walks of life. I promise to express my thoughts and emotions to you and to
listen to you in times of joy and in times of sorrow. I promise to always tell you the truth with love. _____ I love you. You are my closest friend. Will you let me share my life and all that I am
with you?
I have many more to choose from
call today!